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The Most Advanced
Cross-Chain DEX

CWAP is created using Coinweb's PACT framework and the dApp is the first of its kind

The Technology Of CWAP

Penalty Adjudication for Cross-chain Transactions (PACT) is a mechanism designed by Coinweb for secure, low-cost cross-chain transactions, optimized for short- and medium-term state machines with defined value at risk (VaR). PACT avoids the central points of failure typical in traditional bridges, enhancing overall security.


Coinweb is the world’s first hybrid between a cross-chain system and a cross-chain rollup. It has full L1 & L2 data availability and is consensusless.


Reactive Smart Contracts

A smart contract that can self-initiate based on any blockchain event, runs indefinitely and is completely blockchain agnostic.

Chain Transaction Sentinels (CTs)

Reactive smart contracts that monitor state transitions on blockchains and gather proof of events. Gathers observations that are shared with PA.

Penalty Adjudicator (PA)

A smart contract that gathers proof from CTS to determine if the PACT terms were met and assign blame if not.

How PACT Is Used On CWAP


Coinweb's L2


PACT Design (9).png

(Retail / MM)

(Retail / Institutions)



Chain Transaction Sentinel (CTs)
(Reactive SC)

Chain Transaction Sentinel (CTs)
(Reactive SC)

Transaction 2
(Blockchain B)

Transaction 1
(Blockchain A)

Observed Event

Observed Event

Acts on Blockchain

Acts on Blockchain



Collateral Released
If Needed

Penalty Adjudicator (PA)
(Smart Contract)


CWAP is used by two types of users: normal users performing asset swaps and participants providing liquidity/collateral for the DEX. Participants can use the dApp or connect through APIs.

CTs are monitoring the swap on L1s and are providing data to PA to make sure the PACTs were followed. If the PACTs were not followed the PA assigns blame and releases collateral to the faulted party.

The swaps are performed by users and only voted on by the consensus of the specific blockchains. These transactions are monitored by the CTs of the PACTs. No voting on a bridge is necessary to confirm the swap.

The Role Of $CWEB In CWAP

Coinweb's native token CWEB, plays a fundamental role in the ecosystem by providing the essential economic framework and operational support for CWAP and its token.

Collateral for swaps

CWEB is used as collateral within the CWAP DEX. This means that it underpins the transactions and ensures security and reliability.

Trading Fees

All trading fees on are collected in CWEB. These fees are sent to an accumulation pool, which grows with each executed swap.

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